
ZRST’s Leading Role in Lusaka’s Vision Zero for Youth International Leadership Award

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In the heart of Zambia, the vibrant capital city of Lusaka found itself basking in the radiant glow of the 2023 International Vision Zero for Youth Leadership Award. This prestigious accolade, bestowed upon the city by the National Center for Safe Routes to School in collaboration with the FIA Foundation, celebrated not just Lusaka’s achievements but also placed a spotlight on the pivotal role played by the Zambia Road Safety Trust (ZRST) in championing Child Road Safety.

In a momentous occasion, Lusaka City Council (LCC) stood in the global spotlight as it received the prestigious Vision Zero for Youth International Leadership Award from a USA-based organization, Zero Vision for Youth. However, behind this remarkable achievement was not just the city’s efforts but a narrative woven by the Zambia Road Safety Trust (ZRST), a vital force in implementing transformative road safety measures in school zones.

As the award was handed over, Lusaka Mayor Her Worship Ms. Chilando Chitangala expressed profound gratitude to the organization’s award committee for recognizing the city’s dedication to road safety. Yet, she made it clear that this honor is not an endpoint but a milestone in their ongoing journey towards safeguarding the lives of the city’s young population. Lusaka’s commitment to the safety and well-being of its youth, with ZRST at the forefront, had evolved beyond boundaries, with a 30 km/hr speed limit now enforced across urban roads throughout Zambia.

“We shall use this award as a catalyst for change, inspiring cities globally to emulate Lusaka City Council’s success and create safer communities for future generations,” declared Ms. Chitangala, emphasizing the city’s unwavering commitment to road safety.

The Mayor underlined that the award symbolized not only Lusaka City’s dedication but also the collaborative efforts of the Local Authority’s community partners and the steadfast support received from various organizations. At the heart of this collaborative effort was the Zambia Road Safety Trust, playing a pivotal role in shaping Lusaka’s road safety landscape.

During the award ceremony, councillors from various wards in Lusaka and LCC Assistant Director of Engineering Mr. Whitney Kolombo were present, representing the diverse support network that contributed to this achievement. Additionally, the Zambia Road Safety Trust, a key partner in this triumph, stood alongside the Lusaka City Council, embodying the spirit of collaboration and commitment to road safety.

Zero Vision for Youth International Leadership Senior Program Manager, Streets for Kids, Anna Siprikova, shed light on the motivation behind awarding Lusaka City Council. She affirmed that the organization sought to spotlight the city’s massive and admirable road safety measures, especially in protecting school-going children. Excited about the prospect of continued collaboration, Siprikova expressed the organization’s commitment to working hand in hand with Lusaka City Council to further promote road safety.

In this tale of triumph, the Zambia Road Safety Trust emerged as a guardian of safety, playing a crucial role in the narrative that led to Lusaka City Council’s recognition on the global stage. As the award serves as a beacon of inspiration, the collaboration between ZRST and LCC stands as a testament to the impactful change that dedicated organizations can bring about in the pursuit of a safer future for the youth.

Nancy Pullen-Seufert, Director of the National Center for Safe Routes to School, reiterated the instrumental role of ZRST in making safety improvements around schools. She emphasized the ripple effect that began with two public schools and expanded into a citywide law, transcending borders to become a national regulation in 2019. ZRST’s commitment to the cause had become a shining example, inspiring cities globally.

Saul Billingsley, the Executive Director of the FIA Foundation, applauded ZRST for its deep commitment to low-speed streets, underscoring the importance of showcasing how local interventions, spearheaded by organizations like ZRST, could be scaled up to a national level through collaboration and targeted advocacy. ZRST’s leadership, in reducing speeds in areas where children were most vulnerable, became a testament to the possibility of meaningful change.

The Vision Zero for Youth International Leadership Award celebrated cities that took decisive action to enhance walking and biking safety for children and youth, and ZRST’s integral role had etched its name in the fourth-year history of the International Award. Guided by the International Vision Zero for Youth Committee, comprised of esteemed organizations including FIA Foundation, NACTO Global Designing Cities Initiative, YOURS, iRAP, Safe Kids, and others, ZRST’s recognition marked a significant milestone in the ongoing pursuit of global road safety. With ZRST as a driving force, Lusaka stood as a beacon of hope for other cities across the globe, showcasing the transformative impact of dedicated organizations in ensuring the safety of future generations.

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