
Commemoration of the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims 2022

Speech during the commemoration of the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims 2022 (WDoR22) at UTH by ZRST Chairman Daniel Mwamba on
18th November 2022

Good morning, gentlemen and Ladies!
Every twenty-four seconds, a life is lost due to a traffic collision.

Road deaths and injuries are abrupt, violent, and traumatic occurrences. It is something no one ever wishes for, and no one wants to be the party to blame after a catastrophic road accident, as its effects are often severe and long-lasting. Each year, millions of newly injured and bereaved individuals from every part of the globe join the countless millions who already suffer. The cumulative impact is actually immense.
Each year, on the third Sunday of November, the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims is observed. On this day, we remember the many millions of people killed and injured on the world’s roads, along with their families, friends, and many others who are also affected.
The subject of this year’s WDOR is REMEMBER, SUPPORT, ACT, which focuses on JUSTICE.
The judicial system includes the enforcement of traffic laws, a comprehensive investigation after a collision to determine whether a crime was committed and to prevent a recurrence, criminal prosecution when applicable, and civil compensation. Such a system is what road accident victims who have been injured or had a family member killed as a result of someone’s law–breaking or negligence deserve and hope for, as it is also a major factor in preventing future tragedies by ensuring that lessons are learned from their calamities so that they are not repeated.
Today, we also honor the efforts of all those employed in the health and emergency Services, those who are on call during the day and late at night, when things go awry and you are summoned to assist road users who have been ejected from their vehicles during a collision, those who are trapped in the wreckage, or those who are standing at the scene of a tragic accident. Your contribution should never be undervalued, and I pray that you will continue to dedicate themselves to this noble mission of saving lives and protecting motorists. I know that the images of these incidents, burned into your memory, will forever remind you of the innumerable sad accident scenes you have watched and participated in, and for this we salute you.
This year, ZRST and its partner, Safe Steps Africa, have made a small contribution to the UTH by distributing products to victims of road traffic accidents. Given that the majority of these individuals encounter numerous obstacles, we hope that the products donated to them will aid in their recuperation.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Safe Steps Africa for their support.
Thank you very much

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