PRESS STATEMENT Lusaka- 9th September, 2018 – The Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) Has resolved to remove all unlicensed and bad Public Service Drivers (PSV) drivers from the road. RTSA Director and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Zindaba Soko, who…
Schedule of Traffic fines in Zambia
Caught over speeding, avoid paying a bribe. Here is a list of offences and fines to pay.
Bloody Easter leaves 26 dead and 59 seriously injured
Press Release 4th April, 2018, Lusaka: The Zambia police yesterday announced that 26 people were killed during this past 4-day Easter holiday weekend compared to 17 people who were killed during the same period in 2017. The police also said…
Zambia's Road deaths drop in 2017, a very welcome development
Lusaka, Tuesday, 16 January 2018: 1989 people died on Zambian roads in 2017, according to the latest Zambia Police statistics released today. That is a 10% drop in the number of road deaths recorded in 2016 and 217 less deaths…
Safer Journeys to School Roundtable Event, Zambia
Nov 17, 2017 | iRAP News iRAP Regional Director for the Americas Julio Urzua is in Lusaka, Zambia today for the Safer and Healthier Journeys to School Roundtable providing critical focus on the status and actions needed to assure African children’s basic right…
The Truth about Distracted Driving
Did you know that road traffic injuries are estimated to be the eighth leading cause of death globally? Distracted Driving is increasingly becoming an issue as smartphone usage has soared worldwide. Our infographic explores the shocking statistics about Distracted Driving,…
1028 lives claimed in 6 months, sets a new low in Road Safety in Zambia
Lusaka, Thursday, 20th August, 2015. Road Traffic figures analysed by the Zambian Road Safety Trust (ZRST) has noted a massive increase in the number of people Killed and Seriously Injured (KSI) in road accidents in the past two years highlighting…
18 perish in a crash
Eighteen people have died in Mazabuka after the Monze bound Fuso fighter truck they were in rammed into Mazabuka Shoprite checkers building around 01:00 hours on Monday Morning. The eighteen people including ten males, five females and three children died…
ZRST signs MOU with SORSA
“The church also has a significant role to play in raising road safety awareness and to encourage its members to practice the Christian values of love, patience, etiquette and respect on the road”. Lusaka, Zambia – 8th February 2015.The Zambian…