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Improving road safety in countries with poor infrastructure, old and poorly maintained vehicles, underfunded and ill-equipped police forces, and inadequate driver training and testing is a challenging task. The AfroSAFE and TRANSSAFE projects, in which ZRST is a collaborating partner, address these challenges along with other stakeholders.
AfroSAFE: Improving road safety in low- and middle-income countries.

AfroSAFE’s primary aim is to significantly promote the Safe System mode of operation in the context of road safety initiatives across African nations. Through collaboration with local practitioners and decision-makers, AfroSAFE seeks to disseminate knowledge and practices in road safety management based on Safe System principles. The project supports stakeholders by sharing tailored knowledge, tools, and methods for road safety improvement.

TRANS-SAFE: Innovations for Global Road Safety

TRANS-SAFE is an extensive project that transcends national, regional, and city-level boundaries to test innovative and integrated Safe System solutions. Comprising highly committed cities, road safety agencies, and experts from Europe and Africa, is dedicated to delivering impactful results. By leveraging synergies from existing projects and networks, TRANS-SAFE aims to implement effective and innovative approaches to sustainable road safety development. The project aligns with the recommendations of the Road Safety Cluster of the African-EU Transport Task Force, adopted in 2020.

At the Zambia Road Safety Trust, we are proud to collaborate with both AfroSAFE and TRANS-SAFE. Our active participation in these projects reflects our commitment to advancing road safety initiatives at both local and global levels.

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